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Nutrition and the Immune System

As the cold season approaches and germs and viruses become more prevalent, maintaining a strong immune system becomes a top priority.

A common question often asked is whether our dietary choices have an impact on our immune system. The answer is a clear “yes".

Ultra-processed foods that are rich in saturated fat, sugar, and salt can disrupt the balance of the microbiome, compromise the integrity of the gut barrier, inhibit the functioning of white blood cells and trigger inflammatory processes. These combined effects collectively impair the immune function.

In contrast, The Mediterranean diet which is rich in fibre , healthy fats and other nutrients, can promote healthy immune function and lower the risk of developing allergies and chronic diseases.

Moreover, research indicates that supplementing the diet with essential nutrients like vitamin D, Vitamin C and zinc can potentially enhance immune function and lower the risk of infections. Here is a list of a few Mediterranean foods that are excellent to incorporate into your dietary routine:

  • Whole grains: whole wheat, barley, and brown rice

  • Vegetables and Fresh fruits : Leafy greens, tomato , berries , citrus fruits

  • Fish: Salmon and Sardines

  • Legumes: Chickpeas, lentils and beans

  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, and flaxseeds

  • Yogurt and Cheese: Low fat yogurt and cheese (Unless intolerant)

  • olive oil

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